Ignoring tax liability can lead to the IRS making financial moves against you. You thought that if you simply looked the other way, they would find something else to do? That is a hopeful scenario that simply does not work out.
Enforced collection of delinquent taxes often takes shape in an IRS wage garnishment and the IRS can determine how much of your monthly income it needs to pay off your delinquent taxes in a reasonable amount of time. They will begin to take a percentage of your paychecks. There are, of course, limits on the percentage that can be taken each month, but it will still be a shock to your budget – limiting what your household will exist on for an extended period of time.
When presented with a Notice of Wage Garnishment from the IRS, employers often fail to provide the necessary forms to fill out that limit the amount the IRS can keep. This can lead to wage garnishment of up to 75% of your paycheck. The IRS does not take into account the amount of money you spend each month on necessities unless it is provided to them. They rely on data regarding “allowable expenses” that they have compiled over time. If your household lives paycheck-to-paycheck, an IRS wage garnishment can leave you without the funds to pay your mortgage or rent; to pay the car payment or insurance; or, to pay utilities.
Wage Garnishments can be removed by a proactive individual. Tax delinquencies can be resolved with the IRS or State. It all starts with making contact with the collectors of the taxes that you owe – orare mistakenly being made responsible for.By the time a wage garnishment is being placed on your wages, you have already received many notices from the IRS or State that there appears to be issues with your tax account. It is never too late to contact a tax collector and offer solutions that you can handle.
When you owe back taxes to the IRS, you can often reduce and resolve the taxes owed with an Offer in Compromise. The IRS also refers to this as the “Fresh Start Initiative”. The Offer in Compromise is an out of court agreement between the IRS and the taxpayer that arranges a resolution to the taxpayer’s liability and places collection efforts on hold. The arrangements focus on the proper valuation of your assets and an accurate portrayal of your monthly income and living expenses. The IRS, and state tax agencies, have the authority to reduce, or compromise, federal tax delinquencies & liabilities by accepting less than full payment under certain circumstances: (1) Doubt regarding liability – doubt that the assessed tax is correct; (2) Doubt as to collectibility – doubt that you could ever pay the full amount of tax that may be owed; and, (3) Effective tax administration –economic hardship that presents a very poor scenario that repayment could take place. This “compromise” will remove your Wage Garnishment.
Wage Garnishment and Wage Levies are intimidation tactics used by the IRS and other tax collectors. They wake you up and force you to take notice that there is something going on that you need to remedy, in one manner or another, and now is the time. Although your employer must participate with the IRS, it is illegal for your employer to terminate your employment due to a Wage Garnishment or Wage Levy. It can, however, raise a security concern to your employer, as it is an announcement that you are having financial troubles.Taking positive steps to quickly settle and remove a Wage Garnishment is imperative – and the IRS offers assistance and compromise. The IRS also offers an Appeals process, if you dispute what you owe, that will remove a Wage Garnishment pending appeal. Appeals will often lead to settlements regarding the issues of tax liability.
The time to act is prior to Notices becoming reality.